Haiti is a country plagued by poverty corruption and exploitation. Haiti suffers from various problems, categorized into health issues, lack of facilities , lack of resources and child exploitation. In 2006 Haiti’s government was trying its best to save its children from HIV and Aids but doing this is a very slow procedure. Unfortunately because of Haiti being one of the poorest countries in Latin America this make their hygiene very dire; this makes Haiti’s occupants to be open to vast amounts of diseases. Haiti’s resources and poverty prevents many children s from being immunized and receiving adequate hospital care. Haiti lacks that more developed countries in Latin America have. Also much of Haiti’s resources are depleted or hard to obtain for instance: a child might have to walk miles to find his/hers family water which once brought back cannot be drunk until boiled, a problem when only 3% of Haiti’s forests remain. Haiti’s children are always being exploited or abused. Many children in Haiti end up as domestic servants (many of which are abused sexually and physically) or end up in a gang (giving you protection). Many children in Haiti suffer malnutrition from lack of food. Haiti is a country in distress from destitution and corruption.
(These results are based on information from 2006. If this were taken in 2006 I wonder what is happening in Haiti now? Perhaps the earthquake that happen their is actually helping the people get attention from the rest of the world to help them secure: human rights and the children's rights which were obviously not being followed in Haiti at the time?