Sunday, May 23, 2010

Haiti After Earthquake

Haiti after the earthquake received help and aid from many and various different help organizations and support groups, who donated money and supplies to Haiti. The countries closet to Haiti (many of the Caribbean and Latino countries) were the first to respond to their earthquake with aid. Doctors and red cross members were sent to Haiti to help the needy. Millions of dollars have been donated to Haiti to help them rebuild and reform much of Haiti's capital port-au-prince. Many people outside of Haiti believe that the children of suffering families should be adopted by more stable families outside of Haiti so that they could grow up more educated and developed. However the Haitian parents disagree with this and wish to maintain their relationship with their children. Other countries have set up sites for field hospital centers and a place for the hungry. The ambassador of Haiti has pleaded that people continue to send donations and aid to Haiti so that they can properly recover and with hope, become in a better state than they were before the Earthquake.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Top 10 Most Influential People From The Times 100

Times has done another of their annual top 100 most influential people on the planet. I have selected from their list the top 10 most influential people in my own opinion.

Hossein Mousavi
He was the leader of Iran with dreams of saving the Iran government from corruption and violence. As a child he wished for his country to have freedom. Running always from the revolution that started the Islamic Republic. He wanted democracy without carnage and more deaths for his country. For 31 years the Islamic Republic had shattered its promises to the people of Iran. Mousavi now believes that these promises to the people should be fulfilled to them. This is because of Mousavi’s political movements him and his party is in danger. However Mousavi believes this is a worthy sacrifice to the promises fulfilled to the people and the freedom of Iran.

P. Namperumalsamy is a eye doctor who is helping many Indian’s with eye problems and diseases help recover their eyesight. P. Namperumalsamy has a large quantity of eye surgeons who are sent to India to help aid, eye cataract patients. P. Namperumalsamy is the cause of a surgery saving someone’s eye in India every 15 minutes. With over 3.6 million eyes saved so far. P. Namperumalsamy believes that “everyone has a right to sight”.

Graca Machel has always been fighting for freedom for the youth in Mozambique who inspired them when she was a teacher. She also fought for freedom for her countries liberation with Portugal. During 1975 when she finally found her liberation from Portugal, this making her country, Mozambique awarded her with title of minister of education and culture. She eventually got married to Nelson Mandela, and even now many parts of Africa look upon her with inspiration, guidance and vision in which the can rely on her with.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is involved in children who are doomed to failure and death eventually. When you are a child and you have lost your parents in a devolving country, you have a very dimly lit future ahead of you. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw gives light to these struggling people by not only donating to these orphans, but by giving hope to them with her own biotech company. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw gives over 2 million dollars for health insurance for 100,000 Indian farmers.

Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis arrived in Haiti in the capital, port-o-prince. He immediately noticed that the landing ground for planes was already taken up. This was terrible because this takes place right after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, which left Haiti in need for dire help and supplies. In just under half an hour Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis made a make shift air traffic control for the arrival and departure of the planes. Him and his team were able to get planes frequently travelling through Haiti so that over 4 million lbs of supplies could get into Haiti and much more food and water. His amazing acts to save other people show inspiration of humanity.

Was raised a girl in Afghanistan under the rule and cruelty of the Taliban. She was very lucky to be educated and become literate. Somehow her brilliance and inspiration got her into parliament in which he continues to save others by fighting the Taliban and warlords in Afghanistan. This was replied with threats and expectations of violence towards her, yet she kept fighting against them but she survived all of it and is a symbol to freedom fighters everywhere.

Both doctor’s Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak have been fighting cancer and cancer properties. They both have vision to cure cancer and to hopefully find a vaccine for it, so that people everywhere, who suffer from this can both, have hope of a possible cure from their diseases. They have been working separately but have the same common goal and ideas in the same field.

Amy Smith is an engineer and a founder of the MRI scanner. She is very cultured because she has grown up in India and Botswana. She has created a type of hammer/ mill that converts grains to flower and a incubator that doesn’t need electricity. These are due to be used in countries that sufferfrom poverty and also don’t have electricity and common tools and requirements.

Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan is the president of the United Arab Emirates and Abudabi. When Dubai got into a financial crisis he gave up 10billion of his own countries money to bail Dubai out of this financial crisis thus saving the whole worlds stock market and money flow. In return Dubai named their new 160 story building after Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan to Khalifi.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan is turkey’s Prime Minister and a man full of vision. He used to be a sufferer from poverty in the streets of Istanbul. He was imprisoned when he magically found his way to parliament when he fell a foul about Turkeys secularist. This only helped his popularity because when he came back from his charge he had even more support. He gives rights to all religions in Turkey (him being deeply Muslim and religious).

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Haiti In 200 Words (year-2006 results)

Haiti is a country plagued by poverty corruption and exploitation. Haiti suffers from various problems, categorized into health issues, lack of facilities , lack of resources and child exploitation. In 2006 Haiti’s government was trying its best to save its children from HIV and Aids but doing this is a very slow procedure. Unfortunately because of Haiti being one of the poorest countries in Latin America this make their hygiene very dire; this makes Haiti’s occupants to be open to vast amounts of diseases. Haiti’s resources and poverty prevents many children s from being immunized and receiving adequate hospital care. Haiti lacks that more developed countries in Latin America have. Also much of Haiti’s resources are depleted or hard to obtain for instance: a child might have to walk miles to find his/hers family water which once brought back cannot be drunk until boiled, a problem when only 3% of Haiti’s forests remain. Haiti’s children are always being exploited or abused. Many children in Haiti end up as domestic servants (many of which are abused sexually and physically) or end up in a gang (giving you protection). Many children in Haiti suffer malnutrition from lack of food. Haiti is a country in distress from destitution and corruption.

(These results are based on information from 2006. If this were taken in 2006 I wonder what is happening in Haiti now? Perhaps the earthquake that happen their is actually helping the people get attention from the rest of the world to help them secure: human rights and the children's rights which were obviously not being followed in Haiti at the time?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sauri The Transformed Village (100 Words)

Sauri, Kenya is now one of the first of the 80-millennium villages across Africa. In the developing village of Sauri the income and production of the country has increased. This is due to technology and basic straightforward training programs to educate people out of poverty and the leadership of Jeffery Sachs. He wants to see if this can be replicated to many other villages in Africa. However William Easterly thinks that Mr. Sachs ideas will not work because of the failing governments in Africa. He also believes that Mr. Sachs is taking the wrong approach to ending world poverty.

If you would like to learn more click here

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Response To Poverty

Poverty is a serious world issue that is affecting billions of people all over the world. 1 billion people on the earth have to survive on less than $1 dollar every day(2005), and another 850,000,000 (2005) people go to sleep hungry. People who are involved in poverty and extreme poverty reported that these are major signs of poverty or extreme poverty are: Short of food for all or most of the year. Having to choose between feeding your siblings hunger or your own. You cant save money. You cannot send your children to school. You have no close source of water (or clean, drinkable water). These signs of poverty are followed by feelings of self-degradingness and powerlessness. Also many females that are surrounded in poverty are not protect by the government regarding sexual or physical abuse. Young children that are affected by poverty can have chronic-undernourishment which slows their growth and development. The World Bank is a organization that donates money to countries in need without charging taxes and debt. The World Bank defines extreme poverty as not having enough income to meet the most simple human necessities and requirements. Unfortunately a large amount of people are in this state of extreme poverty. Another problem people fall into is a poverty trap, or when you lose all hope because you feel a sense of failure because you are suffering from poverty and despair. Some organizations that possible could be more involved are organizations such as the red cross, they could be trying to heal people who live in a state of poverty and cant afford to heal members of their family who are sick or wounded.

This information is from Peter Singer

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wordle About Child Rights

Image That Relates To Quote

This image/picture relates to my quotation: "Freedom From Tyranny" because it basically symbolizes hope for others that are suffering from tyranny. For those who are unclear about what a tyrant is, it is simply a leader or ruler of an area or nation that governs it and its people against their common good. Here is a link to a list of several tyrants and dictators that are particularly bad. Around the world millions of people are displaced and suffering because of dictatorship and tyrants a like which brings us to our topic of hope. My image above shows hope for those people being governed badly and also that perhaps one day that our world could be governed freely and fairly across the globe.